creative couples.

I really love creative couples. You know, like the Eames' or Robin & Lucienne Day.

This month's Print magazine featured 6 designer couples, including Ellen Lupton & Abbot Miller and others. And then yesterday I came across the Creative Couples column on The Strange Attractor (via Joslyn) and found these photos of more artist/designer couples. So adorable.


  1. why do the guys all have beards? must make you more creative. :)

  2. Beards are popular among creatives, ehehe. Maybe you are right the make your more creative, maybe it is only about fashion..

  3. oh yay! that's my friend anna in the middle, she is the best!!!!

  4. i guess i'm not creative since i don't have a beard! i only shave once a week... does that count?


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