love taza.

New headbands from Naomi... looks like they were sold out within a few hours. Oh well, they're still cute.

p.s. am I the only one who feels a little silly wearing a headband?


Rhianne said...

I always feel silly in them and can never get them to look good but these are so cute!

Chaucee said...

Her headbands are always sold out in a few minutes haha. They are so cute! However they are wayyy too expensive for a headband. I can get a pair of boots for that price!

rachel said...

These are gorgeous!

(I, too, usually feel ridiculous in headbands.)

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I love them. I debated buying one and debated a little too long, because they sold out in a flash.

I am kinda glad I didn't buy one though, because now I have 50 dollars to buy a new outfit....or sofa from Goodwill! haha

TheMoncurs said...

I am not one who cannot pull off headbands like that. I look ridiculous. Wrong haircut maybe? Doesn't mean I can't admire them on other people!

Jane Flanagan said...


roberta jane said...

I have noticed from her blog that she always has the most perfect bangs! But these over-the-top headbands can be a bit hard to pull-off. I think I would look like a 12-year-old in these!

Doro said...

Awww... these headbands are so cute!