Pretty photos from Sandra that make me want to learn to knit -- or actually, just buy things in her lovely shop.
Also, thank you everyone for completing our ready survey! We look forward to going through the responses and making changes for the better. And now for our five random winners, who will each receive a letterpress calendar and a 3-pack of letterpress cards of their choice:
#22 - Jill
#24 - Anna
#46 - Hannah
#61 - Lindsay
#74 - Tracy
Congrats! Email us hello{at}seesawdesigns{dot}com with your choice and mailing address, and we'll get them right out to you.
oh yeah that is ME! emailing you now. thank you!!!
I adore Sandra and her shop. She takes a lot of pictures of yarn but somehow they all look different from each other! She's so creative.
I'm a winner!!
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