david spero.

Inspired by this quirky series of ball photographs by David Spero. I like how each little ball of color bounces your eye around the room/photo.


Cassandra Dias said...

Cool series! That last photo with the piano has to be my fave :)

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

This is awesome! Love the first snap!

Alison said...

These are awsome. The spaces themselves, are amazing to begin with. The addition of the whimsical little pops of color makes them even better. Love it!

tanya said...

how fun!

LindseyBee said...

Wow, these really give your eyes some activity! Not to mention, the space to work with is great!

Sarah said...

wouldn't that space make a great studio??

Anonymous said...

great idea. and it did wake my eyes up this morning...