no better day.

I'm such a procrastinator - loving this little reminder from Elise Joy.


Anonymous said...

there's no better way to say it.

Naoma Serna said...

Me too.. I should probably put the same on my wall!! I'm currently working on bubbles with quotes on my walls!

tanya said...

me too... and i totally needed this today.

Unknown said...

I loved this entry so much! I am the exact same way! I went over to her shop and ended up buying 2 of her journals, and a valentines day card.

Thank you so much for the link, I credited you for the find on my blog over at ! Thanks!

Joanna said...

i SO need this. i started a blog in which i would write a short story every day for my children. The idea being that i could write the story in the morning, when I am Not Tired, and just read it at night-time, when I Am Tired. So far... i have not even written one. Yes shame on me.
So today, I am going to, Just Start.
Let's see if I can..
(and you're on decidedly delicious by the way..)

Amy K. of the Boom Club said...

I need one of those in every room of my house. Thanks for the inspiration.

Pistachio said...

I am procrastinating right now, ha! :)
Love it.